The catch and tap drill

The catch and tap drill

05/12/2015 | Written by: uspta

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OC90_07_Rick_Macci_Catch_and_Tap_Drill-Mobile.mp4-thumb-1The catch and tap drill

Description: Here is USPTA Master Professional Rick Macci with a fun volley drill that works on developing racquet skills.


The volley is one of those shots that gets everyone really excited. Most players like to be at the net, but not many actually control their shots very well or can hit a variety of volleys. We often see players hitting the same type of volley whether the ball is coming fast, slow, high or low, or if the player is positioned far away from the net or close to it.

The art of volley is really about feel and placement and not so much about power. The more players understands that the racquet is an extension of their hand and practices drills that will develop their hand, the more success they’re going to have in hitting a variety of volleys and more importantly, hitting the right shot at the right time.

This week we have USPTA Master Professional Rick Macci with a drill that works on control and developing racquet skills.

Watch more videos on the volley on Simply type “volley” in the Quick Search or choose the Advanced Search on the upper left-hand corner and select Volley under the Specific shots category. Watch tips, lessons and drills on your computer, laptop or iPhone whether you are at home, on the court or on the road.

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Watch more drills on Simply type “drill” in the Quick Search or choose the Advanced Search on the upper left-hand corner to select Drill/Lesson category. Watch tips, lessons and drills on your computer, laptop or iPhone whether you are at home, on the court or on the road.