Developing pace using a medicine ball

Developing pace using a medicine ball

08/18/2011 | Written by: uspta

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Developing pace using a medicine ball

This conditioning drill, featuring USPTA Master Professional Lorenzo Beltrame, develops both the physical and technical aspects of a player’s game. Using a 2- to 4-pound medicine ball, players can improve the pace of their shots with this drill by simulating a groundstroke while catching and throwing the ball.


Medicine ball exercises are a very efficient tool for developing and improving tennis-specific strength and explosiveness. It is a training method that not only strengthens the core, but also helps with stroke production by getting a player to feel how his body works and establish a more efficient kinetic chain. The weight of the ball forces players to use their legs, core, shoulders and arms to throw the ball. The purpose is to get their entire body involved in the shots.

When performing the throws focus on speed and quality of execution rather than how heavy the ball is. Use a relatively light ball to allow players to explode with their execution. Once a player can easily execute the exercises with a light ball, advance to a heavier one.

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