Linear and angular momentum

Linear and angular momentum

09/08/2010 | Written by: uspta

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Linear and angular momentum

Check out this video featuring USPTA Master Professional David T. Porter, Ed.D., who defines both linear and angular momentum.

In the previous era of traditional tennis, linear stroke technique was more predominant, which meant players used a linear momentum to execute the shots. For example, the well-known terminology of turn-step-hit is linear movement. Today’s stroke technique is largely characterized by angular momentum, which is defined as the rotation on an axis. The terminology used is load-explode-land. Instead of hitting in a straight line, by shifting the weight from the back foot to the front foot as done before, a lot of players today hit the ball by shifting their weight using a rotational movement. 

How familiar are you with these terms? Are you comfortable teaching the modern shot technique? 

Expand your knowledge by visiting our website You will find various audio seminars, articles, videos and other helpful resources that talk about linear and angular momentum and the modern game. Simply type the words “linear,” “angular” or “modern” into the Quick Search field and you will find a list of related results. If you want to learn more about the technical aspect of the modern game choose the Advanced Search and click on “Modern shot technique” under the “Technical” General Performance Component. You will find a large number of videos featuring top teaching professionals as they explain the modern shots of tennis. 

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