Little Tennis – Teaching beginner children

Little Tennis – Teaching beginner children

08/24/2010 | Written by: uspta

Teaching beginner children Click Video Highlight:
Little Tennis – Teaching beginner children

Check out the video clip taken from the “On Court with USPTA” series featuring USPTA Professional Townsend Gilbert. He discusses how to help young children have fun learning basic tennis skills, such as gross motor skills, tracking skills and shot fundamentals, while building confidence and self-esteem in a social learning environment.

Tennis is the game that we all love and for this reason we chose this career. Every day we get to pass on our knowledge of the sport and share it with others, so we can grow the game and develop great players.

Teaching the little ones might seem like an easy job, but it can be very difficult if you don’t have the knack to work with them. Children’s attention spans are much shorter than those of adults, therefore it is very important to keep your instruction fun and change activities frequently. Your goal should focus on teaching them the basics: develop their hand-eye coordination, get them familiar with tennis terms, get them to understand what impact the racquet has on the ball and how it makes it go over the net and so on. This video will provide some ideas that can use in your practices.

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