Determine shot selection drill

Determine shot selection drill

05/06/2010 | Written by: uspta

Shot selection
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Determine shot selection drill

Video description:
USPTA Professional Rick Vetter offers this useful drill for players who want to improve their shot selection. As Vetter explains, shot selection depends on the type of shot received, not the type of shot a player wants to hit. In this drill, players focus on calling out the shot they intend to hit before making contact with the ball. This process helps players read the incoming ball and to be better prepared when hitting the appropriate shot.

The success of any given shot depends on a number of things. Not only does the player have to be technically sound in his execution, but also his placement and tactics need to be effective as well. This is where shot selection enters into the equation. Shot selection isn’t all about hitting the shot that first enters a player’s mind. Factors such as speed, spin, height, direction and location of the incoming ball will all determine what is the most appropriate, highest percentage shot for a player to hit.

To learn more about shot selection and how to improve this aspect of your game, visit and enter “shot selection” into the Quick Search field. There, you will find hundreds of video clips featuring some of the world’s top teaching professionals offering their advice and drills on how to incorporate this element into your game.

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