Exercises for strength and conditioning

Exercises for strength and conditioning

06/03/2010 | Written by: uspta

Strength and conditioning
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Exercises for strength and conditioning

The video offers a variety of strength training exercises that are demonstrated and explained. The 11 exercises shown work out the muscles in the core, forearms, obliques, shoulders, wrists, back and legs.

Strength and conditioning play a huge role in today’s game and it is an integral part of a tennis player’s development. Since tennis demands a player to repeat powerful actions over a long period of time, players need to have muscular strength and endurance to not only execute the movements for stroke technique, but also to propel their bodies into position to hit a tennis ball. Strength is especially important in preventing injuries. Conditioning for tennis is based on explosive movements with an emphasis on maintaining appropriate balance. This video includes several exercises that resemble actual hitting situations.

In order to view this video, visit and type in the phrase “Exercises for strength and conditioning” into the Quick Search field. For additional tips on strength and conditioning choose the Advanced Search, and click on the General Performance Components. Next, pick the subcomponent that you want to explore, including “Strength” or “Conditioning,” or any of the other areas. You will find a variety of videos that will enhance your training ideas.

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