Age characteristics for the Red Court players

Age characteristics for the Red Court players

06/04/2013 | Written by: uspta

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OC81_02_Jones_Red_Age_specs.mp4-thumb-1Age characteristics for the Red Court players

Description: The Red Court is primarily designed for children age 8 and under. In this video, USTA’s Director of Youth Play and Competition Craig Jones talks about the characteristics of this age group and what are some ways to keep the kids engaged while learning.


As a teacher or coach, you are exposed to working with students of different ages and skill levels. It’s important to have a good understanding of each age group and their specific characteristics in order to make teaching effective and fun.

Working with kids is very different than working with any other age group. The Red Court players (ages 8 and under) have a short attention span, which means they need to stay active with games, with activities changing frequently. Too much instruction, waiting in line or doing too much of the same thing can create boredom and encourage poor behavior. Kids are visual learners, preferring short explanations and demonstrations. The instruction should be positive and encouraging. Fun and success will encourage kids to come back.

Watch more 10 and Under Tennis videos on Select the Advanced Search on the upper left hand corner, click on Demographics and then select the 10 and Under Tennis under the Age group category.  Watch tips, drills and lessons on your computer, tablet or smart phone whether you are at home, on the court or on the road.

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