Approach volley overhead

Approach volley overhead

12/13/2012 | Written by: uspta

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approachvolleyoverheadApproach volley overhead

Here is USPTA Master Professional Rick Macci with one of his favorite drills that simulates a point-play situation, including approach shots, volleys and overheads.


Check out this week’s tip featuring USPTA Master Professional Rick Macci as he demonstrates a drill that works on a specific pattern that simulates a point-play situation. The student hits a forehand approach down the line, moves in to the net where he hits a backhand volley down the line and then finishes with an overhead. The same drill can be done on the opposite side, starting with a backhand approach down the line, followed by a forehand volley down the line and an overhead. The drill requires efficient movement and good ball placement.

Scale the drill by adjusting the feeds according to the player’s level. Try it out with your players in the next practice.

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